
Who should apply

  • Government policymaking staff members
  • Local government policymaking staff members
  • Management executives or candidates to be involved in entrepreneurial strategies
  • Management staff at research and funding institutions
  • Think-tank staff involved in the government and local government policymaking
  • Candidates for future researchers and teachers who will be involved in training the next-generation policymaking research and education professionals


As of March 2020, 12 students obtained Ph.D. degree and 6 obtained Master's degree from the GiST program since the program started at GRIPS in 2004.

Of the 12 Ph.D. holders, 1 is working for a Japanese central government organization, 4 are at Japanese R&D corporations, 1 at a Japanese university, 1 at an embassy in Japan, and 5 (foreign national) at foreign government organizations.

Of the 6 Master's degree holders, 3 are working for Japanese central government organizations, 1 for a Japanese R&D corporation, and 2 are working for other oganizations.

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