Doctoral Program

Doctoral Program

This program aims to train the students to be able to employ a scientific approach in the planning, drafting, execution, evaluation, and revision of STI policy and strategy. Among other things, the program aims to foster administrative officials, practitioners, researchers, and other key personnel who possess advanced skills for policy research, the capability to plan and practice policy and strategy, and are versed with multiple disciplines required for these, along with analytical competence in social science fields, teaching ability in higher education, and high-level foreign language competency.

In principle, the program accepts applicants who possess a Master's degree and are administrative officials or practitioners involved in policymaking, or are personnel who wish to pursue research or education careers in relevant fields. In the first year of the curriculum, participants acquire credits through intensive coursework to acquire theory and analytical methods related to social sciences. Part-time enrollment is possible from the second year onward, with a focus on attendance in seminars. Some of the Japanese classes are held in the evenings and on Saturdays, which makes it possible to obtain the Ph.D. degree while having a job even from the first year upon enrollment. The program accepts enrollment both in April and October.

The degree to be provided is either 'Doctor of Policy Studies' for administrative officials and other practitioners, or 'Ph.D. in Public Policy'' for researchers.

HOW TO APPLY information can be obtained from here.


A TYPICAL SCHEDULE to obtain Ph.D. Degree:


Program Duration:3 years
Requirements: Students are required to take a sufficient number of the courses listed in the curriculum of the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Program; pass the Qualifying Examination (QE); and successfully complete a dissertation defense.

※In 2021, the number of required credits was changed from 20 to 14 for students who have completed a master's degree program related to science, technology and innovation policy, and for those who have sufficient knowledge of this field. However, students who have not completed a master's degree program related to science, technology and innovation policy and do not have sufficient knowledge of this field are strongly recommended to acquire approximately 20 credits in this program.

Past Ph.D. Papers

Year Title Repository
2023 Towards a Decarbonized and Sustainable Energy System : Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Applications for Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Projects and Hydrogen Production Technologies
2022 Essays on Evaluation of Global Health Policy on Tuberculosis Control
2022 Fostering Further Participation in Agri-Food Business Global Value Chains: A Multiple Case-Study on Intermediary Roles and Capabilities in the Philippine Rice and Mango Industries
2021 Renewable Energy Policy and Investment Decision-Making in Electricity Markets( 再生可能エネルギー政策と電力市場における投資の意思決定)
2021 Influence of Systemic Analytical Capacity on Policy-relevant Knowledge Production and Utilization: Case of Science of Science and Innovation Policy
2019 An Inquiry of Government's Extending the Role of State-owned Enterprises for the Interest of Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy : Case Studies from Indonesia
2019 Optimizing International Science & Technology Collaboration through Scientometric Studies
2018 Promoting Scientodiversity through Research Grants
2018 Impacts of research team diversity and top management on research commercialization of a public research institute in Thailand
2017 The Societal Impact of Open Access to Research
2016 原発利用のための制度の変化に関する考察 : 福島原発事故の影響に着目して
2015 University and Industry Collaboration in Japan and Thailand : Influence of Key Actors' Characteristics and Modes of Collaboration
2015 政府リモートセンシング衛星プロラムの長期継続に関する要因分析 : アメリカとフランスの陸域観測衛星を巡る政策過程を事例として
2015 The Role of Japanese Corporate R&D in the UK: Measuring Business and Academic Benefits
2015 革新的な科学的知識・技術に起因するイノベーション・システムの動的変化 : 農作物育種を事例にした分析および日本における育種研究への考察
2013 科学技術のリスク評価における非専門家の役割 -森永ヒ素粉乳中毒事件を中心に-
2012 イノベーション促進型資金配分システムの発展メカニズムに関する研究
2011 テキスタイル産業におけるデザイン導入とイノベーションに関する実証分析
2010 The Evolution of Japanese Space Policy: The Emergence of Bounded Policy Discourse
2010 日本における科学技術情報政策の基本方針 -その脆弱性の原因に関する科学技術情報"伝達サイクル"に基づく一考察
2009 医薬品産業における企業境界の変化がイノベーションの決定要因に及ぼす影響 -専有可能性と技術機会に関する分析
2008 研究開発プロジェクトにおける研究フェイズの変化とメカニズム
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