Time | 14:00-15:45, Friday, 21st June, 2013 |
Venue | Sokairou Hall (1F, GRIPS) |
Sponsor | National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), The EU Delegation to Japan |
Language | Japanese and English (Simultaneous translation avilable) |
Fee | Free (Preregistration required) |
Document | Flyer(0.4M) |
Japan is publishing a new Growth Strategy and the EU a major investment of around 70bn € with Horizon2020. After the S&T Agreement between EU and Japan entered into force on 29 March 2011, collaboration has become more strategic and more focused on issues of mutual interest. International collaboration is a key for innovation, growth and standardisation. This forum aims to deepen mutual understanding of new initiatives in science and innovation policy of the EU and Japan, and to establish the basis for the future international collaboration between them.
Master of Ceremony: Ms. Barbara Rhode, Head of the Science and Technology Section and Minister-Counsellor, Delegation of the European Union to Japan
Time | Sessions |
14:00-14:10 |
14:10-15:00 |
15:00-15:40 |
Panel Discussion
15:40 |
Adjourn |