
GIST Seminar

The 98th GIST Seminar : Intellectal Property and Technology Transfer Provisions in Preferential Trade and Investment Agreements - What Negotiators Can Learn from Textual Analysis

Speaker Kiyoshi Adachi, Chief and Legal Officer of the Intellectual Property Unit, UNCTAD
Time Thursday, April 25, 2019 14:30-16:00
Venue GRIPS 1st Floor Room 1A
Sponsor National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) Sciencec, Technology and Innovation Program (GIST)
Language English
Fee Free

GIST holds a series of seminars. This is an announcement for the 98th of the series to be provided by Kiyoshi Adachi, Chief and Legal Officer of the Intellectual Property Unit, Division of Investment and Enterprise, United Nations Conference on Trade and Developoment (UNCTAD).

Simplified personal history

Kiyoshi Adachi, Chief and Legal Officer of the Intellectual Property Unit, Division of Investment and Enterprise, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Since 2006, Mr. Adachi has led a team of international lawyers at UNCTAD looking into the integrated treatment of intellectual property, technology transfer anddevelopment issues, and has published and lectured widely on this interface (including at UNCTAD workshops, the WIPO Academy, the United Nations University,CEIPI/University of Strasbourg and the SIPO Training Institute in Beijing, among others). He has advised and trained stakeholders in a number of developing countriesin Asia and Africa on intellectual property provisions in preferential trade and investment agreements; intellectual property and local manufacturing of and access to medicines; the relationship between intellectual property and access and benefit sharing policies under the Nagoya Protocol/Convention on Biological Diversity; and the relationship between intellectual property and competition policies.


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