

Mr. Kazuhito Oyamada, GIST Professional Staff, will facilitate the event "Science Talks Bar on the 5th S&T Basic Plan"

Mr. Kazuhito Oyamada, Professional Staff at GIST, will be join a talk live event at Science Talks Bar on the 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan, which will be held on Friday, June 6th, 2014.

Mr. Oyamada will give a short briefing on Science and Technology Basic Plans and moderate the discussion between the invited speaker, Dr. Yuko Harayama, Member of Council for Sciene, Technology and Innovation (CSTI)*, and participants.

For more details please visit Scinece Talks' webpage.

*CSTI has been renamed from Council for Science and Technology Policy (CSTP) on May 19th accoring to the legal change.




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