

"'Catch-up' in Economic Stagnation? - A Preliminary Comparison of Growth Slowdown in Japan and Korea"

講演者 Jang-Sup Shin氏 (シンガポール国立大学経済学部・准教授)
日時 2014年12月15日(月) 18時30分~20時30分 (18時10分受付開始)
場所 政策研究大学院大学 4階 研究会室4A
主催 政策研究大学院大学科学技術イノベーション政策プログラム(GIST)
言語 英語
参加費 無料(事前登録制)
資料 発表資料(1.7M)


It has been commonly accepted that Japan had "lost decades" after the crash of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1990 while Korea underwent a successful economic restructuring after the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis. However, Korean is now facing rapid economic slowdown and it appears that it is catching up with Japan in its economic stagnation. This research investigates underlying reasons for the imminent convergence of economic performance between the two countries away from the seemingly divergent performance between the two in the 2000s. By grouping views on the Japan's stagnation into (1) the structuralist view, (2) the balance sheet recession view, and (3) the population bottleneck view, the research attempts to make a systematic comparison of the causes of growth slowdown in the two countries. It also assesses the validity of the 'Abenomics' and 'Choi-nomics' as policy responses to their (imminent) economic stagnation.


SHIN Jang-Sup is an economics professor at the National University of Singapore. His research interests include technology and innovation, East Asian economic growth, financial crises and restructuring, competitive strategies and organizations of firms, and so on. He wrote books like The Global Financial Crisis and the Korean Economy (2014), The Economics of the Latecomers: Catching-Up, Technology Transfer and Institutions in Germany, Japan and South Korea (1996), Restructuring Korea Inc. (2003), An Anatomy of the Technological Leadership of Samsung Electronics: Strategy and Organization for Creating First-Mover Advantages (2006). He has been with the National University of Singapore since 1999. He served a part-time economic advisor to the Finance Minister of Korea during 2008-2009. He received his Ph.D and M.Phil from the University of Cambridge, and BA from Seoul National University.




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