講演者 | Barend van der Meulen 氏(オランダ ラテナウ研究所 科学システムアセスメント科長) |
日時 | 2013年12月4日(水) 18:00〜20:00 |
場所 | 政策研究大学院大学 4階 研究会室4B (東京都港区六本木7-22-1)(アクセス) |
主催 | 政策研究大学院大学科学技術イノベーション政策プログラム(GIST) |
言語 | 英語 |
参加費 | 無料(事前登録制) |
資料 | 発表資料(3.7MB) |
Over the past decade, governments and research funding organisations have implemented schemes for young researchers. These schemes help young researchers to develop their own research careers in times in which pressures on academic research are mounting. While these schemes have been embraced almost univocally by main actors in the research system, there is also a growing uneasiness about the situation of young researchers - especially in the life sciences. Often this is translated into requests for higher budgets, but even if countries have budgets to meet these requests, it is doubtful whether that contributes to long term solutions. In his presentation he will present a framework for analyzing research careers, show results from the Netherlands and other European countries and discuss possible solutions.