

「Are Japan and Korea experiencing deindustrialization? Do we have to worry about it?」

第33回GISTセミナー<br>「Are Japan and Korea experiencing deindustrialization? Do we have to worry about it?」
講演者 Sébastien Lechevalier氏 (フランス国立社会科学高等研究院(EHESS)准教授 / EHESS Paris日仏財団理事長)
日時 2012年5月9日(水) 18:00-20:00
場所 政策研究大学院大学 4階 研究会室4A (東京都港区六本木7-22-1)
主催 政策研究大学院大学科学技術イノベーション政策プログラム(GIST)
言語 英語


Deindustrialization - which can be defined as the decrease in contribution to total employment and GDP by the manufacturing industry - has been a major concern for most of the developed countries in North America and Europe. The purpose of this presentation is twofold. First, we would like to assess whether Japan and Korea, two countries known as manufacturing superpowers, are experiencing deindustrialization and to what extent. Second, we try to identify the mechanisms behind industrial dynamics in these two countries and whether deindustrialization could be detrimental for them in terms of GDP growth potential or social outcomes.

資料 発表資料1(981K)  発表資料2(143K)


Sébastien Lechevalier氏略歴(EHESS日本研究所)


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