

「Overcoming Innovation Gaps: Technology Management and Entrepreneurship Education Initiatives」

第40回GISTセミナー<br>「Overcoming Innovation Gaps: Technology Management and Entrepreneurship Education Initiatives」
講演者 Hang Chang Chieh氏(国立シンガポール大学教授、工学・技術経営専攻長)
日時 2012年11月5日 (月)16:00-18:00
場所 政策研究大学院大学 4階 研究会室4A
主催 政策研究大学院大学科学技術イノベーション政策プログラム(GIST)
言語 英語
参加費 無料(事前登録制)
資料 発表資料(777K)


There exist two major innovation gaps. One is the gap between engineering R&D and innovation management. It caused MIT to start the Management of Technology (MOT) education programme in the 80s and it has spread globally with more than 200 programmes offered in 2012. However, MOT education in engineering schools is still much lagging in Asia including Singapore. The experience of the National University of Singapore in MOT education will be presented in this seminar. The second innovation gap is techno-entrepreneurship. This is especially serious in research-intensive universities and public research institutes which have invested heavily in research, but a large number of the resultant patents remain un-utilized. In the brand new Institute for Engineering Leadership in the National University of Singapore, two new action-learning education initiatives have been launched to introduce relevant project-based entrepreneurship education for engineering professors and research students. One is from Technology to Market, while the other is from "Emerging" Market to Technology. These two initiatives will be presented and the initial positive experiences gained will be shared in this seminar.


Hang Chang Chieh氏略歴(国立シンガポール大学)


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