講演者 | Ganeshan Wignaraja 氏(アジア開発銀行研究所ディレクター) |
日時 | 2014年11月27日(木) 18:00〜20:00 |
場所 | 政策研究大学院大学 4階 研究会室4A (東京都港区六本木7-22-1)(アクセス) |
主催 | 政策研究大学院大学科学技術イノベーション政策プログラム(GIST) |
言語 | 英語 |
参加費 | 無料(事前登録制) |
資料 | 発表資料(306K) |
With the global economy still in the recovery ward and the IMF predicting an new mediocre era of low world growth, Asia's economic "giants" are under the microscope as among the few exciting sources of world growth and trade. The remarkable performance of the PRC and India over several decades has helped shift the center of global economic activities towards Asia. With a gathering momentum towards South-South trade and investment, economic ties between the PRC and India have also intensified. A lively debate is taking place on the ability of the giants economic strategies to sustain rapid economic performance and stimulate world growth. Drawing on his East West Center publication and an Asian Development Bank Institute study, Dr. Ganeshan Wignaraja will look at the outlook for economic reforms and growth in these major players. The seminar will address a number of critical questions including: what role have history and reforms played in the economic success of the PRC and India, whether India can catch up with PRC, what challenges lie ahead for growth and transformation in the giants, and whether the United States and Japan should prepare for a multipolar world.