

The 127th GIST Seminar "The Texas Power-Surging Demand and Resource Adequacy" / 米国テキサス州の電力市場の現状と将来 -2021年の大停電の教訓及び需要拡大見通しと供給力確保戦略-

The 127th GIST Seminar
講演者 Mr. Kenan Ögelman, Vice President, Commercial Operation, ERCOT(The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc.)
日時 17:30-19:00, May 17th Fri, 2024 (Doors open at 17:00)
場所 5th Floor, Lecture Room L, GRIPS, 7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo (Access )
主催 GRIPS Innovation, Science and Technology Policy Program (GIST)
言語 English (No Interpreter)
参加費 Fee: Free (Pre-registration required)

Texas Power(Electricity) is at a crossroads. Surging energy demand is forcing industry leaders to make hard decisions about their future. One road may lead to more reliable and affordable energy for Texans and the rest of the world, while the other may upend decades of progress. How can policymakers, regulators and market participants navigate the unmarked roads? 
Texas Power system is well known as "Energy-Only Market" and independent.
It has been liberalized since 2002.
What historical lessons can be applied to avoid unintended consequences? 
Since Winter Storm Uri knocked out power throughout Texas in February 2021, causing billions of dollars in damage and hundreds of deaths, preparing the Texas grid for extreme weather has been a top priority for the state. But the power grid -- serviced by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) -- faces other pressures. Population growth, economic expansion, increased adoption of electric vehicles, and cryptocurrency mining have all placed increased demands on the state's energy infrastructure. 
Texas has become as the No. 1 state for wind-powered generation and the top state in the nation for utility-scale solar, with fossil fuel power serving as the backbone of the Texas grid.  Texas is also as the epicenter of the nuclear energy supply chain. So, the Advanced Nuclear Working Group has founded to make efforts to create the latest nuclear energy technology that will help power the electric grid of tomorrow.
How Texas can adapt the grid to meet its evolving energy needs.And are energy consumers and producers united or divided on the path forward?
In Japan, after the liberalization of power market , we have faced similar challenges to develop resilient electricity system.
 At this seminar, Mr. Kenan Ögelman will give his views and some suggestions to us about the future power market design.
After his presentations, Prof. Hisanori Nei of GRIPS will moderate the panel discussion and Q&A sessions.

 米国の電力系統は東部、西部、テキサス州の3系統で、テキサス州は独立した系統運用がなされていて、2002年に電力市場の自由化が導入され、そのシステムは容量市場がない「エネルギーのみ市場(Energy-Only Market)」として知られている。
 2021年2月に襲った冬の嵐「ユリ(Uri)」によって、テキサス州の電力は壊滅的な打撃を受け、 450万世帯・企業の停電、数百人の犠牲、20億ドルに上る被害が報告されている。このため、厳しい気象事象への準備はテキサス州における最重要課題となっている。
 また、テキサス州は原子力のサプライチェーンでも中心的な役割を果たしており、このため、州知事の指示により2023年8月に設けられた「革新的原子力作業グループ(Advanced Nuclear Working Group」が小型原子炉(SMR)等の最新の原子力技術による電力系統の将来の安定化の可能性について検討を始めたところである。
 このセミナーでは、2021年の大停電時にテキサス電気信頼性協議会(ERCOT)の供給運用管理責任者であったケナン オージェルマン氏から、彼の経験を踏まえた将来の展望、特に市場設計についての見方と示唆を提供していただくこととしている。
 ケナン オージェルマン氏の講演の後に、政策研究大学院大学の根井 寿規 名誉教授が質疑応答の進行を行います。

Seminar Info (Details)/セミナー案内(詳細

Presentation Slide: pdf

Presentation Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybXIP9KDQAo


Please register at this registration form by 17:00, May 13 Mon. If you cannot open the form, please send email to GIST Secretariat (gist-ml@grips.ac.jp). Registration email must include: 1) your name, 2) institution, 3) position, and 4) e-mail address.
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