

The 129th GIST Seminar "Are we all metascientists now? The changing landscape for evidence, analysis and strategic intelligence in research policy and funding" / 今や我々は皆「メタサイエンティスト」なのか? 研究政策とファンディングにおけるエビデンス、分析、戦略的インテリジェンスの変化する状況

The 129th GIST Seminar
講演者 James Wilsdon教授
Executive Director, Research on Research Institute (RoRI)
Professor of Research Policy, Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP), University College London
日時 16:30-18:00, Oct 9th Wed, 2024
(Doors open at 16:00)
場所 Venue: 4th Floor, Room 4A, GRIPS
7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
(Access )
主催 GRIPS Innovation, Science and Technology Policy Program (GIST)
言語 English (No Interpreter)
参加費 Fee: Free (Pre-registration required)
資料 案内チラシ Flyer


Since 2000, global investment in R&D has risen to over US $2.5 trillion a year. This has been accompanied by heightened aspirations and sharper accountabilities for the R&D system. And it has spurred an expansion of research on research--also known as meta-research, metascience or the science of science--which has grown in volume and visibility. Such work aims to better understand research systems; to ensure that R&D resources are invested strategically; and to underpin improvements to the ways that outcomes are disseminated, measured and evaluated.
These agendas are not new: metascience builds on a rich history of research into R&D systems. But there is also a growing cadre of researchers deploying new tools and data-driven methodologies to investigate the scientific process. And several governments have launched new programs for metascience, including:

-UK, where the government has established an in-house Metascience Unit and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has set up a metascience grants scheme.
-Canada, which will soon launch a new cross-agency funding call for meta-research;
-Norway which recently ran an expanded call for "research on research & innovation policy"; 
-Germany, where the Volkswagen Foundation has a programme for "Researching Research";
-USA, where the NSF is running its "Science of Science" funding program and working with others to experiment with new methods; 
-China, where a recent Shanghai Declaration for the Science of Science called for more investment in these fields;
-Ireland, where there is a drive to embed metascience in the new combined funding agency, Research Ireland.

New approaches are being trialled; and new institutions are being created. One such initiative is the Research on Research Institute (RoRI), founded in 2019, with a mission to accelerate transformative research on research systems, cultures and decision-making.
In this talk, RoRI's James Wilsdon will explore the changing landscape for metascience. He will argue that metascience is less a discipline, and more an orientation or mode of engaging with questions that most researchers encounter at some point in the networks and institutions they inhabit. Finally, he will ask what insights metascience might bring to R&D policies in Japan, and what strategic intelligence the Japanese system could offer to the advance of metascience globally.




新しいアプローチが試験的に導入され、新しい機関が設立されている。その一例が、研究システム、文化、意思決定に関する変革的研究を加速させることを使命として2019年に設立された Research on Research Institute (RoRI)である。
本講演では、RoRIJames Wilsdon氏がメタサイエンスの変容する状況について紹介する。同氏は、メタサイエンスは学問分野というよりも、むしろ、研究者が所属するネットワークや機関において、ほとんどの研究者がいずれは遭遇するであろう問題への取り組みの方向性や様式であると説明する。同氏は、メタサイエンスが日本の研究開発政策にもたらす洞察とは何か、また、日本のシステムが世界的なメタサイエンスの進歩にどのような戦略的インテリジェンスを提供できるかについて問いかける。


参加申し込みは https://forms.gle/jJFFuFjgb74eYvBF6 からお申し込みください。 基本的には対面で実施します。対面参加が難しく、オンラインでの参加を希望する場合は申込後にzoomアドレスを送付いたします。
登録フォームが開けない場合は、GIST 事務局( gist-ml@grips.ac.jp)にメールをお送りください。登録メールには、 1) 氏名 2)所属 3)肩書 4)電子メールアドレス を記載願います。
Please register at https://forms.gle/jJFFuFjgb74eYvBF6. The seminar will be conducted face-to-face. If you have difficulty attending face-to-face and would like to participate online, we will send you the zoom address after you register.
If you cannot open the form, please send email to GIST Secretariat (gist-ml@grips.ac.jp). Registration email must include: 1) your name, 2) institution, 3) position, and 4) e-mail address.
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