

「'The Good University' and the institutionalization of responsible innovation」

第58回GISTセミナー <br>「'The Good University' and the institutionalization of responsible innovation」 第58回GISTセミナー <br>「'The Good University' and the institutionalization of responsible innovation」
講演者 Erik Fisher氏(アリゾナ州立大学准教授)、Sally Randles氏(マンチェスター大学シニアフェロー)
日時 2013年12月17日(火)18:30〜20:30
場所 政策研究大学院大学 4階 研究会室4A
主催 政策研究大学院大学科学技術イノベーション政策プログラム(GIST)
言語 英語


Dr. Erik Fisher
"Designing Effective Socio-Technical Integration Programs"
Public concern and expert uncertainty about new and emerging technologies have become prominent topics of policy discourse throughout the industrialized world. Attempting to earn public trust and support, policy makers have begun mandating "socio-technical integration" - trans-disciplinary collaborations that are meant to incorporate social and ethical perspectives into science and innovation. However, such collaborations are antithetical to historical models about science and technology. These models state that any attempt to control science and innovation will harm its promotion. Drawing from the results of over 30 international laboratory engagement studies, I present "proof of concept" that scientific creativity (promotion) and ethical reflection (control) in the laboratory setting can be mutually reinforcing, rather than antithetical to one another. I conclude by suggesting criteria for designing and assessing effective socio-technical integration programs.

Dr. Sally Randlesr
"Responsible Research and Innovation and Horizon 2020: Policy signals from the European Union"
"The European Commission is currently funding four significant projects on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). These are called RES-AGorA, GREAT, PROGRESS and RESPONSIBILITY. All four were commissioned in early 2013, and will last for three years. My presentation to the GRIPs seminar in Tokyo will provide an overview of these four projects whilst focussing on one of them: RES-AGorA. The core objective of RES-AGorA is to provide guidance on a governance framework for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in Europe. The presentation will be set in the context of the forthcoming EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation in Europe covering the period 2014 to 2020, and will highlight relevant research and innovation policy signals."

資料 発表資料1(6.5M) 発表資料2(298K)


Erik Fisher氏

Sally Randles氏




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