

The 128th GIST Seminar "Between Two Cacti - The Hy Velocity Hydrogen Hub and Energy Ventures & Innovation-" / 二つのサボテン(CACTI)の間で- メキシコ湾岸地域水素拠点構築及びエネルギーベンチャー育成とイノベーションエコシステム-

The 128th GIST Seminar
講演者 Dr. Brian Korgel, Director, Energy Institute, The Rashid Engineering Regents Chair, Professor in the McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering University of Texas at Austin
日時 17:30-19:00, June 6th Thu, 2024 (Doors open at 17:00)
場所 Venue: 5th Floor, Lecture Room L, GRIPS, 7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo (Access )
主催 GRIPS Innovation, Science and Technology Policy Program (GIST)
言語 English (No Interpreter)
参加費 Fee: Free (Pre-registration required)

 Energy system is at a cross road. Without a major acceleration in clean energy innovation, net-zero emissions targets will not be achievable. While we also need to enhance energy security, decarbonising will largely demand the development of new technologies not yet in use such as hydrogen , CCS, advanced nuclear technologies. And many of the clean energy technologies available today need more work to bring down costs and accelerate deployment.
 In the United States in order to achieve the target under the energy transition, leaders are responding to new policy framework such as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act.
 In order to develop new clean energy system, it is also important to accelerate new energy  venture development with technologies which has never implemented in the existing energy system as same as to collaborate with incumbent energy enterprises. 
 Austin is the state capital of Texas and well-known for its high tech industry cluster as "Silicon Hills". It has led the clean energy venture development since early 2000.
 University of Texas at Austin is ranked top 10 university in various fields in the U.S. A and has supported new venture development activities from the beginning in Austin .
 It is also one of the leading university for clean energy system development in the United States.
 Hy Velocity Hydrogen Hub is one of the seven Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub selected by U.S. Department of Energy, Oct. 2023. It is a collaboration of non-profit research organizations, academia, and energy companies working to advance the clean hydrogen ecosystem in Texas, Southwest Louisiana, and along the U.S. Gulf Coast. UT Austin is the leading academic organization and a founding member of the hub.
 At this seminar Dr. Brian Korgel will explain how the large federal investment along with matching capital from industry could help southeast Texas to lead the way in clean hydrogen development.
 He will also give his view on how to rebuilt business ecosystem for developing clean energy new venture including the way to bridging the gap between industry and academia to advance energy research.
 Since we have similar challenges here in Japan , his view will give some guidance to our road for the future
  After his presentations, Prof. Hisanori Nei of GRIPS will moderate Q&A sessions.

 このセミナーでは、ブライアン コーゲル博士が、連邦政府による大規模な投資が産業界による投資と相俟って、南東部テキサスでのクリーン水素システム開発をどのように推進しようとしているかを説明する。
 ブライアン コーゲル博士の話から、今後の進むべき方向についての示唆が得られることが期待される。
  講演の後に、根井 寿規 政策研究大学院大学 名誉教授が質疑応答の進行を行います。

Seminar Info (Details)/セミナー案内(詳細

Presentation Slide: pdf

Presentation Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yziUU_sVLrI


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